ASIDES Dramaturgical Magazine and Performance Program CHALLENGE Combine the dramaturgical magazine and the performance program into one, multipage publication. SOLUTION A longer, more thoughtful publication given out to everyone who attends the show, providing larger...
Theatre Posters These are the show posters for the main stage productions of Shakespeare Theatre Company in Washington, DC. My role in creating them included the graphic design and art direction. I developed concepts, wrote creative briefs and brand style guides,...
Ballet, Brass & Song Promo VideoVideography CHALLENGE Generate interest in upcoming show on social media. SOLUTION Create a series of short videos to share featuring the artistic director, costumes and dancers. PROCESS Collaborated with Diane, the artistic...
Project Summary Relaunching CDP in DC, Artistic Director Diane Coburn Bruning approached me about redesigning the logo after moving from NYC and a performing hiatus. She felt the company had new life in a new city and wanted to share that energy with her audience....
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